DDB Advertising agency asked me to assist them in creating a thorough proof of concept for their pitch for Intel. I helped them implement a wireframe and help execute an animation that gave a complete feel of how the site would communicate with navigate and assisted them to help win their account.
To promote Southwest Airline's mobile application a video spot was created.
This video would create awareness and celebrate the new release with promotion by downloading the application and users submitting their photos with Southwest.
Ikea wanted to change out their advertising communication with a new approach to home decor and connect with the consumers. We came up with an idea to promote the consumers that shop at Ikea. 'Be Ikean' came alive with this concept and it focused completely on the experience of the buyer. From allen wrench made of gold and keys celebrating a new house redo party to uploading and sharing a new house redo, the campaign promote the idea for sharing socially and inviting other to participate.
Adobe asked us to help target a new segment of a demographic, the non-core design students. They found that it was a growing segment, but had no ideas on how to connect with them to try their new Cloud Services. We came up with solution to connect the brand and use of what their new audience would love to learn. We brought pop culture (and the use of Memes) and game tutorial together to help teach one Adobe tool at a time. So that non-core students feels comfortable using Adobe products.
Protec (helmets) is for extreme outdoor sports athletes. To convey this message to our demographic, we came up with the advertising campaign solution that says, “Protect protects so well that it can defy god(s) and religion.” This target audience wants to be seen as an edgy and willing to go beyond what is safe. These would be used for a print or outdoor campaign targeting 13-25yr olds that believes in defying the gods in sports.
FME Family Dental wanted a new branding design that created a simple and sophisticated look to their brand that targeted a larger demographic in the Fife, Milton, Edgewood area. Website and business marketing collaterals were created to communicate effectively their location and service boosting their service thirty percent.
Open Garden came to me in regards to solve a usability issue. Their users didn't understand the product and had issues accessing the product. After reviewing all the use case and user reviews. We assessed that having a intro messaging and accessing frequently asked questions as top for User Friendliness. We redesigned the UI to focus on that.
Trail360 is an application that connects with visitors coming to the national parks.
It gives the use a better experience by empowering the users to navigate the popular trail destinations and a navigation of any national park trail. Trail360 gives the user access to a 360 degree view images with augmented reality information, trail maps, notification status and social image sharing & update before, during, and after the trip.
Bespoke Innovation asked us to create an innovative solution for their branding to gain more customers for their product. We found out that the service was not providing adequate information for the consumers on how to get service and connect with a specialist. We helped align Bespoke’s goals by re-designing their site and branding to answer this. We decided to make the leg fairings a fashion site. By doing this we were able to help the consumer envision what kind of product they wanted and how to engage the service. In addition, we came out with a fashion catalog for their products. Lastly, in order to make ordering easier we came up with a solution to get prosthetist to be part of the solution by giving them tools to help scan and customize the fairing accessory.
Currently there's so many bills and backend work to install solar power to your home. Solarona is different and they make getting solar power easy. To gain national attention we created a new branding solution by making solar power stupid easy. And because it's easy, you you can waste your energy on useless things and not feel bad at the same time.
As a UX Design Intern, I was in charge of creating some of the firsts for Blurb. From a internal Design Pattern site to creating the first eBook to mobile UI design, I was able to be part of some great stuff. Everything from User testing to wireframing was part of the year long expereince with Blurb.
Content I've helped art direct and produced for various agencies.